the game was made in scratch and i am a begginer

it may take a while to load

Acquire and pilot a fleet of unmanned submersible vehicles to explore the oceans and underwater terrain. 

How deep can you go?

 The game requires about 2-3 hours to complete. 

Save codes are available (go to the main menu).

 - Mouse and keyboard required.

[W][A][S][D] - movement [mouse]

 - aim/use tool

 [E] - view inventory

 [L] - toggle light 

[P] - add waypoint

 [I] - toggle waypoint visibility

 [M] - map

 [X] - delete (for hovered objects)

 Credits are inside the project and are also shown when the game is completed. Majority of the art is created or edited by me.


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Absolutely awesome game! I liked it so much so I decided make a video review. 

Waaaa me encanta este juego! es super relajante 

this is amazing! keep up the good work!